使⽤⽅法:潔⾯後沾少量於化妝棉上 ,輕輕塗抹於⾯上。接着使⽤DP SKIN SERUM。

A unique antioxidant formulation designed for use on damaged or sensitive skin following facial
cleansing or professional in-office treatments. Skin toning is a necessary step in most facial treatment
regiments to restore the natural pH balance as well as re-hydrate the skin. This specialized formula
soothes inflamed skin as well as provides much needed environmental protection with natural Green Tea,
Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Cucumber and Ginseng.
Active Ingredients:
● Natural Green Tea
● Vitamin E
● Aloe Vera
● Cucumber
● Ginseng
Place DP SKIN TONER on a cotton ball or gauze pad and apply liberally to the face and neck.
Follow up with DP SKIN SERUM while skin is still damp
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